privacy policy

This privacy policy is applicable to the web site
Please read it carefully. Here you will find important information about the processing of your personal data and the rights you have pursuant to the
legislation in effect in these matters.
We reserve the right to up-date our privacy policy at any time for reasons of business decisions, and to comply with any eventual changes in the legislation or
jurisprudence. Should you have any doubts or should you need any clarification of our privacy Policy and your rights, you can contact use through the channels
indicated below.
You declare that the data that you provide us, now or in the future, are correct andtrue and you undertake to report any modification to them. In the event of providing the personal data of third parties, you undertake to obtain the prior consent of the persons in question and to inform them of the contents of this
In general, the fields of our forms that are marked as compulsory, must necessarily be filled in in order to process your requests.
1. Who is responsible for processing your data? The party responsible
for processing personal data collected on this web site is:
Responsible party: CHARELLE LEWIS
Postal address: C/ Carlota Pasaron, 10, 2 2, 03005 Alicante
Telephone: +34 644 964 246
2. What do we process your data for? The data of our users will be processed for managing relations with them, to deal with their requests and
enquiries, for the administration and management of the security of the web site and in order to comply with our legal obligations. Said information will
also be processed for analytical purposes and to improve the quality of our services. We also process your data in order to send commercial
3. How long will we keep your data? In general, we conserve your information while the relationship that you maintain with us remains in
effect and, in any event, for the term set forth in the applicable legal provisions and during the time necessary to deal with possible liabilities
arising from processing. We will cancel your data when these are no longer  necessary or pertinent for the purposes for which they were compiled.
Access logs to restricted areas of the web site will be cancelled one month after they are created. Browser information will be cancelled once the
connection to the web site is finalised and the statistics drawn up. The information processed for commercial purposes will remain in effect until
such time as a request is made for it to be deleted.

4. Who can we communicate your data to? Your data will only be communicated to third parties if there is a legal obligation to do so, with
your consent or if dealing with your request properly involves such communication.
5. Legal grounds for processing. The legal grounds for processing your personal data are to manage the legal relations with our users, to comply
with our legal obligations and our legitimate interest in managing the security and quality of the web site and to promote our services.
6. What are your rights? You are entitled to obtain confirmation of whether we are processing your personal data or not and, if this is the case, to
access them. You can also ask for your data to be rectified if they are not accurate, or to have the data completed if they are incomplete, and to ask
for them to be deleted if, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
Under certain circumstances, you can ask for the limitation of the processing of your data. In such a case, we will only process the data affected by the
formulation, exercising or the defence of claims or complaints, or with a view to protecting the rights of other people. Under certain conditions, and for reasons
related to your particular situation, you may also oppose having your data processed. In this case, we will cease to process the data, except for pressing
legitimate reasons that prevail over your interests or rights and freedoms, or to formulate, exercise or defend claims or complaints. Under certain conditions you
may also ask for the portability of your data to be transmitted to another party responsible for processing them.
You can revoke any consent that you may have given for certain purposes, without this affecting the legitimacy of the processing based on the consent prior to it
being revoked, and file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
In order to apply for delisting from processing for commercial ends, you can send an email to
To exercise your rights, you must send us an application accompanied by a copy of your national identity document or any other valid document that identifies you by your postal address or electronic mail address with the addresses indicated in the section Who is the party responsible for processing your data?
For further information about your rights and how to exercise them, go to the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency at

Charelle Lewis © 2019